Wednesday, September 12


Hi! It's been a while... Long story short, i've been busy with school. If you haven't been following my YouTube channel, i was also gone because i was recovering. I'm feeling better now and i want to let you guys know that i'm not letting this blog or my channel die haha. 

I will be posting a blog post about Korea soon since we went there last May. I will also upload more beauty/lifestyle posts. I'm planning on buying a graphics tablet to make my posts and videos more creative. I'm also thinking of designing shirts or stickers to sell once i get the hang of it (digital arts). Art was my first love and i never got the chance to enhance my skills.

Oh and once i can regularly upload, i'm thinking of purchasing a domain and redesigning my blog haha. That's about it. You're now all caught up and i hope i don't procrastinate again and make another update post. 

Love lots,